Audio Files for Streaming and Download

These teachings are offered to the global community for free, but please consider donating to Mindful Living Revolution if you find them of service to your practice. Please scroll down for Dharma Talks and Recorded Audio Teachings.

Audio teachings

from Presence, Courage, Collective Awakening

Session 3: DEEP LISTENING WITHIN AND OUT: Attuning in a Way That Connects You to Deeper Guidance and to Each Other

from Presence, Courage, Collective Awakening

Session 4: MINDFUL INQUIRY: A PATH OF HARMONY WITH LIFE - Learning to Perceive with the Heart and Learning to Step Back When We Get Triggered and as We Address Trauma.

eco-dharma MEDITATIONS by eden featured on tricycle

These meditations are featured on Tricycle’s new podcast, For the Moment, which offers digestible practices to help us stay centered in difficult times.

Dharma Talks at Against the Stream