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Sunday Insight Dharma Talk and Guided Meditation: Compassion, Emergence, and Climate Change

Compassion, Emergence, and Climate Change: Sunday Insight Dharma Talk & Guided Meditation Offered online through Sangha Live.

This year, humanity has witnessed the alarming acceleration of climate change... the loss of forests and rivers, animal and plant species… and the potential annihilation of our species. Alongside our profound grief for what is changing globally, however, we are also experiencing Emergence. Emergence, the organizing principle of Gaia, can help us to stay present as we navigate global change - and fuel our love and pain for our world into compassionate action. Recognizing that we are each part of emergence, we can inquire: What qualities of wonder, reverence, and respect for the mystery re-awaken in our hearts when we recognize emergence? Please join us for a heart-based exploration of eco-dharma with Deborah Eden Tull.

Learn more here.

Read Eden’s blogpost that accompanies this offering.