Feature at InsightLA – On Reclaiming the Wild Heart

An Eco-Dharma Daylong Retreat with Deborah Eden Tull

The world is accelerating – driven by our desires, our ambitions, and our obligations, we push ourselves harder and harder, to be more productive, to make more money, to squeeze everything we can out of every second of every day.  Our pursuit of greater security and higher living standards has grown so frenetic that it has infected our very planet, giving rise to a global fever with all the hallmarks of a terminal disease: we’re in the throes of a condition that is chronic, progressive, and fatal.

It never occurs to us that our own spiritual salvation might be somehow entwined with the fate of a planet, but this is precisely the message conveyed by Deborah Eden Tull, a popular mindfulness and zen meditation teacher with 25 years of experience as a sustainability consultant, who emphasizes the interconnection between personal and planetary well-being in her teaching.  In her words:

“Our culture is running really fast … but going in the wrong direction. Striving, trying to get somewhere, obsessed with fixing and improving ourselves, trying to win …”  [Inevitably, we stumble and fall.]  “The gift of ‘falling ill’ is that we lose the energy to run.  We are forced to surrender to presence.  And in presence we can open to a larger perspective. We can remember who we really are.  We are available for the teachings of love. … my hope is that people stop running and trying to fix/solve life, stop trying to maintain the momentum of the often stubborn mechanism of ego, and surrender.  For those who are willing to stop and surrender to the state of non-doing… being… spacious receptive awareness… this is where all healing occurs.”

Please join us for a day-long retreat with dharma teacher and author Deborah Eden Tull in the beautiful setting of Benedict Canyon. The day will include meditation and dharma talks, relational mindfulness and writing exercises and facilitated group discussion.  Eden will draw upon the teachings of the natural world, her forthcoming book, Relational Mindfulness: Reclaiming Our Shared Power in an Age of Disconnect” and Buddhist scholar and eco-philosopher Joanna Macy’s book,  “The World That Reconnects.”
